2022 AASM Webinar-Rising Stars in Sport Management Research

  • Topic: Moving into the Future: Sport Event x Technology x SDGs
  • Date: December 17, 2022
  • Time: 13:00-16:00 (GMT+8 Taiwan Standard Time)
  • TH: 12:00pm to 15:00pm
  • SG / MY / PH: 13:00pm to 16:00
  • JP / KR: 14:00pm to 17:00pm
  • Online Meeting: Zoom (Please register and we will email the link to the webinar)


Dr. Sanghoon Kim

Kinesiology Michigan State University

TOPIC: Emerging Technologies for Fan Gameday Experience

Sanghoon Kim (Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Michigan State University, with a focus on teaching courses for the Sport Coaching, Leadership, and Administration graduate programs. He recently earned his doctoral degree in the Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management at Texas A&M University. Previously, he earned his master’s degree in Sport Management at Florida State University and a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at Yeungnam University in South Korea. Based upon the social-ecological model, the central mission of his research is to build and disseminate the knowledge that can contribute to enhancing personal, communal, and societal benefits through sport. In line with this mission, his research agenda centers on understanding sport consumers’ experiences and responses to technology-mediated communications and environments. Specifically, he is focusing on cognitive, social, and data-driven studies to better understand the sport consumer experiences within technology-mediated communication and environment, and the consumers’ psychological and behavioral response to them.

Dr. Oam To-Aj

Mahidol University

The Behavior Analysis of the Sport Spectators in Thailand by Using the Data Analytics Technology

Dr. Oam To-aj is a Full time lecturer of Sport management, Education department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University where I have another few positions in the faculty, the first one is the deputy of head of education department, and another one is the head of the Unit of Excellence in Legal, Health and Quality of Life Studies. Apart from position in the faculty, I still have a part time job as a lecturer of Humanities and Language division, Mahidol international college. Outside the university, I am a Legal consultant of Barrister at Law Company limited. I am passionate about playing tennis. I used to run my sport club where have all facilities in there including swimming pool and tennis courts. Beside the tennis lover, I’m also interested in doing the research in many areas, such as Quality of life and sport, environmental aspect, and the legal issues. Doing the research makes me discovery something new for my life. I could say doing the research is another passion of my life.

Dr. Phua Yi Xian Philip

Nanyang Technologic University

The Marketing of Sports Gambling: Challenges Brought about by the Advent of Technology and Sports Sponsorship

Philip Phua’s research interests revolve around sports marketing and sponsorship, with a contextual focus toward pathological gambling prevention. His approach to research also primarily revolves around the usage of eye tracking related methodologies in experimental research designs and has published several pieces of work in relation to all three areas highlighted, in top-tier peer reviewed journals like the Journal of Gambling Studies. These works contribute to the existing literature on sport management, sport gambling and sport marketing, through novel approaches not often seen in the field of sport management. He is also a member of the ASEAN Young Scientist Network, an entity that seeks to develop the next generation of scientific progress in the region. Philip’s hope is to further the conduct of  his research in marketing and gambling, to guide future policy making in the industry.

Dr. Goichi Hagiwara

Kyushu Sangyo University

An Attempt of Sports Management Research for Creating the Value of Esports

Goichi Hagiwara, PhD. Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Kyushu Sangyo University.  He obtained the PhD. from Kyushu Institute of Technology in 2014. Then, he served as an associate professor at the graduate school of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya until 2020. Recently, he also serves as the Chief Analysis Officer (Executive Officer) of Little Software Co. Awards received include the Commissioner's Award from the Japan Sports Agency.

Dr. Li Cheng-Wei

National Taiwan Normal University

SDGs through Outdoor Adventure Education

As a lifelong enthusiast of outdoor explorer, my major is in the field of physical education and adventurous activities. I completed my Ph.D. in Sport Development and Management at the University of Chichester in 2018. My PhD thesis is about a comparative analysis of the development of outdoor and adventurous activities in English and Chinese higher education. I have particular expertise in the area of sport development and management, outdoor adventure education and physical education. My work takes its focus issues of facilitation, evaluation, learning outcomes, and cultural conflicts in and through outdoor adventure education. My next major research project will focus on the cultivation of cultural capital and habitus in regards to outdoor and adventurous activities through individual’s childhood and schooling. I have worked at the National Taiwan Normal University since August 2022, where I am an assistant professor at the Department of Civic Education and Leadership, having previously worked at the National Ilan University and the National Kaohsiung University. I also serve on the council of the Asia Association for Experiential Education and the editorial board of the Asia Sport Management Review.

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