Asian Sport Management Review Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Asian Sport Management Review (ASMR) is to map, connect, and exchange the experiences, knowledge and wisdom of sport management intra-Asia and internationally.
ASMR welcomes original investigations that contribute new knowledge to the field of sport management through theoretical development and empirical application. In addition to high quality theoretical and empirical papers that are relevant to the Asian context, the journal will publish contributions in which critical insight for sport management practice is developed from different cultural and global perspectives.
ASMR manuscript submission guidelines are as follows:
1. ASMR will be published one issue every 6 months by electrical forms. The amount papers of each issue are no less than 4 and no more than 8.
2. Manuscripts submitted toASMR should not be submitted to another publication while under review for
3. The papers submitted should be written in English following APA format and served by .doc file in Word.
4. The construct of contents included Title, Abstract with keywords, Introduction, Rationale, Findings, Discussions, Conclusions and suggestions, and References.
5. Articles should normally be between 7,000 words, accompanied by an abstract, which must not exceed 250 words, setting out the main findings of the article. Please also provide five or six Keywords, preferably words that do not already appear in the title of the article.
6. Authors’ names should not appear anywhere in the manuscript. A cover sheet listing the manuscript title and the order of authors (first, second, third, etc.) as well as the primary author’s name last (the submitter please follow the “First name” first and “Last name” Policy, e.g. Kong-Ting YEH), mailing address, preferred phone, and fax numbers and email address should accompany each manuscript.
7. Manuscripts submitted toASMR undergo double-blind review. The editor will examine all manuscripts and determine if the content is congruent with the focus of the journal. If the content of the manuscript is not congruent with ASMR’s focus, the editor will return the manuscript to the author(s) with an explanation. If the content of the manuscript is congruent withASMR’s focus, the editor will determine if the manuscript should be “previewed” or “reviewed.”
8. Manuscripts submitted toASMR undergo double-blind review. The editor will examine all manuscripts and determine if the content is congruent with the focus of the journal. If the content of the manuscript is not congruent with ASMR’s focus, the editor will return the manuscript to the author(s) with an explanation. If the content of the manuscript is congruent withASMR’s focus, the editor will determine if the manuscript should be “previewed” or “reviewed.”
9. Authors warrant that the manuscript is original except for excerpts and illustrations from copyrighted works that may be included with permission of the copyright owner, such permissions to be obtained by the authors at their own expense. The manuscripts submitted to the publisher must contain the appropriate credit line, if any, required by copyright holders of material adapted or reprinted for use.
We look forward to your involvement to promote the Asian researching prosperity.