Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What is AASM

Constitution of the Asian Association for Sport Management


The name of this association shall be the Asian Association for Sport Management, in this Constitution referred to as AASM.


2.1 The purpose of AASM shall be to promote, stimulate and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, professional development and sharing in the theoretical and applied field of sport management and the sport industry.

2.2 In order to achieve the above purpose, AASM shall endeavor to carry out the following functions:

2.2.1 Encouraging and promoting original research in both theoretical and applied aspects of sport management theory and practice;

2.2.2 Assisting in the dissemination of information and knowledge-base in sport management;

2.2.3 Assisting in the development of sport management programs/organizations and professional preparation programs/organizations for Asian countries’ mutual benefits and progress;

2.2.4 Organizing or assisting in various conferences to promote and strengthen the purpose of AASM;

2.2.5 Publishing proceedings and journals related to sport management;

2.2.6 Facilitating and developing relationship among academic institutions in Asia through participation in AASM’s programs and of activities and;

2.2.7 Collaborating with other associations having similar purposes.

2.3 AASM shall be a non-profit organization and shall endeavor to conduct its activities solely to promote the above-stated purpose.


The official business addressof AASM is at 250 Wen-Hua 1st Road, Kueishan, Taoyuan, 33301, Taiwan.


4.1 Membership of AASM shall consist of any national/regional organization or individual or legal entity or other organization interested in furthering the purpose of AASM and whose application and payment for admission as a member shall be renewed on an annual basis.

4.2 There shall be two categories of membership in AASM: Full and Associate.

4.3 Full Member: An AASM “Full Member” represents a specific national/regional sport management organization. Each Full member shall be represented at the General Assembly by one delegate nominated to the Secretary General by the Full Member.

4.3.1 AASM shall admit only one national/regional sport management organization as its member from a specific nation/region.

4.3.2 The Board of AASM shall, in its absolute discretion, determine which organization shall be admitted as the representative of a nation or region. It may rely on, but is not bound by or limited to, evidence such as being a professional organization legally registered to its government by providing its certificate to AASM.

4.3.3 All Full Members have full voting rights at all General Meetings of AASM [see 5.2].

4.4 Associate Member: An AASM “Associate Member” may be a person, a company, an educational institution or any other legal entity or organization which is not a representative of a Nation or Region.

4.4.1 AASM may admit as many Associate Members as it deems appropriate.

4.4.2 The Board of AASM shall, in its absolute discretion, determine which individuals, companies, educational institutions or other legal entities or organizations shall be admitted as an Associate Member. It may rely on such evidence as it deems appropriate to determine the status of the applicant for Associate Membership.

4.4.3 Notwithstanding 4.4.2, all members of a Full Member are deemed to be Associate Members of AASM.

4.4.4 Associate members may attend but have no voting rights at the General Assembly.

4.4.5 Associate members may stand for election or seek appointment to the Executive committee or any sub-Committee of AASM.

4.4.6 Subject to 4.4.4 above, Associate Members shall have the same voting rights as other members of any Committee to which they are elected or appointed.


4.5.1 Annual membership fees will be determined by the Executive Committee, and put to the Annual General Assembly Meeting for ratification by the members.

4.5.2 All dues shall be paid annually in U.S. dollars or their equivalent by the first day of July.

4.5.3 The financial year of the Association shall begin on 1st July and end on the following 30th June.

4.5.4 A member, who has not renewed membership by payment of its, his or her dues by the first day of July, shall be reinstated at any time before the close of the current fiscal year upon payment of the full amount of dues.

4.6 A Membership application must be addressed to the Secretary General on the prescribed form.

4.7 Membership shall become effective when the Treasurer has received the current year’s dues. Membership fees or dues shall be assessed in accordance with the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the majority approval at the General Assembly.

4.8 Assembly. The status of membership is lost, ceased or suspended through failure to pay the membership fees or dues for the current year by the date as specified by the Treasurer.

4.9 Members operating on behalf of the Association will not incur any personal liability and members whose membership is forfeited or suspended relinquish all rights arising therefrom.


5.1 AASM shall be governed by the AASM General Assembly and an Executive Committee which shall be elected at biennial General Assembly Meetings.

5.2 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly will be the overall governing body of AASM. Every AASM Full Member shall have the right to one vote at the General Assembly. Associate Members may attend but may not vote at General Assembly meetings.

5.2.1 The General Assembly shall meet at least once in every year with the President or his/her representative serving as Chair. The General Assembly shall have the full range of powers necessary for the Association to achieve its purposes.

Duties specifically reserved for the General Assembly include:

a) Approval of the Association’s budgets and accounts;

b) Acceptance of annual report(s) from the Executive Committee;

c) Election of new officers and members of the Executive Committee(biennially);

d) Approval of amendments to the Constitution;

e) Dissolution of the Association; and

f) Such other business to meet the Purposes of the Association.

The meeting shall be held at a time and place specified in an official Notice by the Executive Committee (typically at the Annual Conference). The Secretary General, in consultation with the President, shall call for items for discussion in a timely manner and draw up the agenda for the meeting and not less than forty-two (42)days prior to the meeting.

5.2.2 The Secretary General shall post (including electronically) a notice of the General Assembly meeting of the Association to each member not less than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the scheduled meeting. Such notification shall state the time, place, and the agenda. For the Biennial General Assembly meeting at which elections for the Executive Committee are held, included in the notice shall be a call for nominations for the Executive Committee.

5.2.3 Any member who wishes to include an item on the agenda of the general meeting may do so provided he she or it gives notice to the Secretary General not less than thirty days (30) prior to the date on which the meeting is due to be held.

5.2.4 The Executive Committee of the Association shall present at the annual meeting a report dated as of the close of the previous fiscal year or as near thereto as feasible, verified in writing by the President and Treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee at its meeting just prior to the annual meeting. This report shall show the names and addresses of the members of the Association and shall be filed with the Associations permanent records.

5.2.5 At least 25% of the total voting membership shall form a quorum. Proxies shall be constituted as part of the quorum. In the event of there being no quorum within half an hour after the time for commencement of the meeting , those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to amend any of the existing Constitution.

5.2.6 A Provisional/Extraordinary General Assembly can be convened on request of at least two-thirds of the Full Members in the same manner described above.


Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, the management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

5.3.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association as stated in 5.4.

5.3.2 The Executive Committee forms a quorum if at least half of its members are present.

5.3.3 The Executive Committee has all the powers and responsibilities of management and administration that are delegated to it by the General Assembly. The committee can delegate the day-to-day operational management of the Association to the President or the Secretary General, or such other member(s) of the committee as it deems appropriate.

5.3.4 All business of the Association, other than special business, shall be authorized by the President who will be responsible to the Executive Committee.

5.4 The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:

a) President

b) Vice President (Community Relation)

c) Vice President (Education)

d) Vice President (Marketing)

e) Secretary General

f) Treasurer

g) Chief Editor of the AASM Journal

h) The Executive Committee will, from time to time, also appoint up to five suitable and reputed sport management professionals to serve as AASM’s Senior Consultants to help scale greater heights for the Association.

5.4.1 The President and Vice Presidents will be elected by the Full Members. The Secretary General and Treasurer will be appointed by the President. The Chief Editor and Senior Consultants will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

5.4.2 All elected positions will be for a two-year period. All appointed positions shall be for up to but not beyond the AGM at which Executive Committee elections are held.

5.4.3 Only the elected members of the Executive Committee shall have voting rights in the Executive Committee meetings, namely:

a) President

b) Vice President (Community Relation)

c) Vice President (Education)

d) Vice President (Marketing)

5.5 The terms of office of elected officers and relevant appointees shall begin at the close of the General Assembly meeting at which their election or appointment has been officially conducted and announced. An opportunity shall be provided for a joint meeting of the past and new Executive Committee members to meet at this time.

5.5.1 No country or region will be allowed to have more than one elected Executive Committee member.

5.5.2 Every officer and delegate appointee shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of office honestly and in good faith.

5.5.3 Members of the Executive Committee can be removed from office by the General Assembly following a two-thirds majority resolution to that effect passed by members present or represented.

5.5.4 A member shall not hold office in the same elected position for more than one term, and shall not be a member of the Executive Committee for more than 2 consecutive terms.

5.6 The Executive Committee

5.6.1 The Executive Committee shall meet bi-annually (twice per year) with one of the meetings to coincide with the annual conference of the Association. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or by 50% of the Executive Committee upon two weeks written notice to each member of the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee members will themselves bear the cost of attending the committee meetings unless otherwise provided for.

5.6.2 Resolutions and decisions of the Executive Committee shall be passed by a simple majority vote of members present or represented. In the event of an equality of votes, the President will have the casting vote.

Resolutions of the Committee will be recorded in Official Meeting Minutes, signed by the President and maintained at the registered office where it will be available for reference by members.

5.6.3 The Executive Committee shall provide for filling the unexpired term of any vacancy that may occur in any office of the Executive Committee’s membership.


6.1 The Executive Committee shall submit for adoption by the General Assembly a statement of account annually and a budget for the following year.

6.2 Two voting non-Committee members from 2 different countries shall be elected as Honorary Auditors at the biennial General Meeting at which elections are held. They shall hold office for a 2-year term, and they cannot be re-elected for a consecutive term. They will be required to audit each year’s accounts and present a report to the Annual General Meeting. They may be required by the President to audit the Association’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Committee


7.1 No alteration or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be made except at a general meeting and with the consent of two-thirds of the voting members present or by proxy.

7.2 A resolution intended to modify this Constitution must originate from the Executive Committee or have support of at least half of the full members of the Association.


8.1 In the event of any dispute arising among the members related to AASM affairs, they shall attempt to resolve the matter amicably among themselves. If the matter still cannot be resolved, then it may be raised at a provisional/ extraordinary general meeting in accordance with this constitution. Should the members still fail to resolve the matter, they may bring it to a court under the law of the country of Official business address for settlement..


9.1 A resolution intended to dissolve this Association must be originated from the Executive Committee or have support of at least two thirds of the members of the Association at a general or special meeting convened for the purpose.

9.2 In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged. The manner of dissolution and liquidation of the Association shall be determined by the General Assembly.


All meetings, notices and other forms of communication including may be undertaken electronically, by traditional mail, in writing or in person