Monday, February 17, 2025
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What is AASM


1. AASM Member

1. Membership of AASM shall consist of any national/regional organization or individual or legal entity or other organization interested in furthering the purpose of AASM and whose application and payment for admission as a member shall be renewed on an annual basis.

2. There shall be three categories of membership in AASM: Full, Associate and Individual

3. Full Member: An AASM “Full Member” represents a specific national/regional sport management organization. Each Full member shall be represented at the General Assembly by one delegate nominated to the Secretary General by the Full Member.

3.1 AASM shall admit only one national/regional sport management organization as its member from a specific nation/region.

3.2 The Board of AASM shall, in its absolute discretion, determine which organization shall be admitted as the representative of a nation or region. It may rely on, but is not bound by or limited to, evidence such as being a professional organization legally registered to its government by providing its certificate to AASM.

3.3 All Full Members have full voting rights at all General Meetings of AASM.

3.4 All Full Members have responsible for abstract review of the annual AASM conference for their respective nation/region

4. Associate Member: An AASM “Associate Member” may be a company, an educational institution or any other legal entity or organization which is not a representative of a Nation or Region but not recognized as an official representative in their respective nation/region

4.1 The Board of AASM shall, in its absolute discretion, determine which companies, educational institutions or other legal entities or organizations shall be admitted as an Associate Member. It may rely on such evidence as it deems appropriate to determine the status of the applicant for Associate Membership.

4.2 Notwithstanding 4.4.2, all members of a Full Member are deemed to be Associate Members of AASM.

4.3 All Associate Members have full voting rights at all General Meetings of AASM.

4.4 All Associate Members have full voting rights at all General Meetings of AASM.

5. Individual member: An AASM “Individual member” represents individuals who are actively seeking to develop sport management in Asia.

5.1 Individual member shall be two categories of membership in AASM: Professional and student.

5.2 The Board of AASM shall, in its absolute discretion, determine which individual shall be admitted.

5.3 Individual members may stand for election or seek appointment to the Executive committee or any sub-Committee of AASM.

5.4 Individual members shall have the same voting rights as other members of any Committee to which they are elected or appointed.

2. Annual membership fee

2.1 The purpose of AASM shall be to promote, stimulate and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, professional development and sharing in the theoretical and applied field of sport management and the sport industry.

2.2 In order to achieve the above purpose, AASM shall endeavor to carry out the following functions:

2.2.1 Encouraging and promoting original research in both theoretical and applied aspects of sport management theory and practice;

2.2.2 Assisting in the dissemination of information and knowledge-base in sport management;

2.2.3 Assisting in the development of sport management programs/organizations and professional preparation programs/organizations for Asian countries’ mutual benefits and progress;

2.2.4 Organizing or assisting in various conferences to promote and strengthen the purpose of AASM;

2.2.5 Publishing proceedings and journals related to sport management;

2.2.6 Facilitating and developing relationship among academic institutions in Asia through participation in AASM’s programs and of activities and;

2.2.7 Collaborating with other associations having similar purposes.

2.3 AASM shall be a non-profit organization and shall endeavor to conduct its activities solely to promote the above-stated purpose.

3. Apply for AASM Membership

Submit these following documents to AASM secretariat

Full /Associate AASM Membership

  • Completed AASM Membership Application Form
  • Constitution of your organization
  • Organization structure
  • Certificate of a professional organization legally registered to its government
  • List of members (names and email) in Excel format Associate AASM Membership

Individual AASM Membership

  • Completed AASM Membership Application Form
  • Copy of Identification Card/Passport issued by his/her government, or employee or membership card of legal entity on its government.
  • CV
  • Copy of student ID card (Individual membership for student)

4. Process to become a member

  • The membership application will be considered in AASM EC meeting and send notification to prospect member by email.
  • The prospect member needs to pay membership fee in order membership to become effective.
  • Membership fee shall be paid at the AASM General Assembly. However, for those who are difficult to attend the General Assembly shall pay to the bank account below by June 30th.

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